Participation Programme
Huntingdon Gymnastics runs a full programme of classes and activities throughout the week, there is something sujitable for you if you are 6 months to 80 years!

Recreational Classes
Huntingdon Gymnastics Club runs Recreational Gymnastics Classes for hundreds of boys and girls who enjoy and clearly benefit from the variety of apparatus and the skills needed to master them. Gymnasts train to our in house curriculum and work their way through our badge progression.
Recreational classes for both Boys and Girls run Afterschool and Weekends. We have a waiting list for boys and girls recreational gymnastics, but don't let that put you off! You can bring them along to taster sessions in the school holidays to try out the class and accrue points on the waiting list for a space in class!
Weekday Recreational Classes: Monday Wednesday or Friday
Weekend Recreational Classes: Saturday or Sunday
Teen Gymnastics Weekdays 8pm or see Teen Freestyle
Recreational classes run for 44 weeks in the year, through half term and bank holidays. Recreational gymnastics takes a break in the Summer Holidays, Christmas and Easter.
Classes are for children age 5 years to 15 years old. All children are invited to take part in an annual in-house competition with the winners receiving medals and everyone getting a certificate for taking part. Gymnasts are also involved in our annual in house display to showcase their newly learnt gymnastics skills.
When the recreational classes are on, the gym is the most high energy, exciting, and vibrant place to visit!
We have a viewing balcony for parents during all sessions.
Please see 'Tasters' for further information and to book.
"I love going to the gym because it makes me stronger, teaches me how to do new things and because it’s fun!" George - aged 8 years