Gym 4 All - SEND Sessions

Gym 4 All - SEND Sessions

Huntingdon Gymnastics Club is pleased to provide special gymnastics sessions for children with Special Educational Needs or physical disabilities. These sessions are aimed at school age children and over. (5 years plus). 
One hour in the gym with our trained coaches for children to enjoy being in a professional gymnastics hall! There will be a structure to the session, however there is no pressure to stick to the structure if your gymnast would rather be exploring other areas of the gym. 
Sessions cost £10

Been Before? Book via Love Admin
Newcomers? Book using the button below
Please note:  Carers/Parents will be expected to accompany the child into the gym.

10th April 1:30pm

Please NOTE:
British Gymnastics have changed their guidance on gymnasts with Down Syndrome. All children now need to complete Atlanto-Axial Instability Form before they are able to take part in gymnastics activity, please see attached information for more details.
We will be requiring screening of all participants with Down Syndrome in structured sessions within the club from 21st April onwards. Screening can be carried out by a GP or chartered physiotherapist.